Reading Principles

Started to read Ray Dalio’s principles and that’s interesting thing that I never think clearly before about reality in this key as encounter with reality, like encounter with odds or challenges for problem solving. Reality as a possibility to overcome some troubles once and forever. funny thing that surprised me a lot, I use a DeepL translator when tired, time to time, Google translator, and only DeepL translated the sentence this way which I mentioned above. so I compared 3 translations and have a breakthrough insight about.

I learned that failure is by and large due to not accepting and successfully dealing with the
realities of life, and that achieving success is simply a matter of accepting and successfully
dealing with all my realities.

I thought this morning that the reason that I grabbed the meaning of first part of his principles is that maybe I was prepared with reading on similar books like “Antifragility” by N.Taleb, interpretation of the Gospel of Theophylact of Bulgaria, Mental models by Shane Parish and so on.

But time to time I just like to watch what’s happening, just be and most thing that I love is to do something kind for myself and my closest.

#dalio #priciples #love